Taylor Fork Weather at Sunlight Basin
 Latest Conditions
  12/28/24 6:00 pm
 17.005 oF
 95.100 %
 Speed: 21.441 mph
 Gust: 37.408 mph
 Direction: WNW (290o)


 Station Status
 Syncing every 60 min.
 Logging every 60.0 min.

 Next Update

 5 sensors
 Wind Speed
 Gust Speed
 Wind Direction 





Last alarm message received 12/24/24 12:03 pm.

Sensor 2 RH Alarm: 0.000 %  

Download data

DescriptionStart (local time)End (local time)
30053406585755005/19/24 10:08 am 05/19/24 12:00 pm
30053406585755005/19/24 12:33 pm 05/19/24 3:30 pm
30053406585755005/19/24 3:43 pm 05/19/24 6:45 pm
30053406585755005/19/24 7:36 pm 05/21/24 6:45 am
30053406585755005/21/24 7:41 am 05/21/24 11:30 am
30053406585755005/21/24 1:13 pm 05/21/24 1:13 pm
30053406585755010/29/24 8:37 am 10/29/24 10:30 am
30053406585755010/29/24 10:35 am 11/05/24 8:00 am
30053406585755012/03/24 11:10 am 12/28/24 6:00 pm


          Units: *C
          Resolution: 12 bit
          Part number: S-THB-XXXX
          Range: -40.000 to 85.000*C
          Serial number: 21009276
          Sub and serial number: 210092761
          Sensor port: 1
      +Wind Speed
      +Gust Speed
      -Wind Direction
          Units: deg
          Resolution: 8 bit
          Part number: S-WCE-XXXX
          Range: 0.000 to 358.000deg
          Serial number: 9734329
          Sub and serial number: 97343293
          Sensor port: 2


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